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Laughing Through the Cubicle Maze

Laughing Through the Cubicle Maze


Within the wilderness of work areas where paper piles high,

A world unfurls underneath the glinting sky.

Staplers press in cadence, consoles tap a tune,

And whispers of chatter fill the afternoon.

The coffee pot brews organizations together over again,

Bargains fashioned in whispers, companionships topsy-turvey.

The boss’s jokes gracious, what a plight!

We chuckle, in spite of the fact that we’ve listened them each night.

The fight of indoor regulators seethes on still,

One cherishes the cold, another the chill.

Lunch hoodlums lurk with stealthy grace,

A lost sandwich, a appalling case.

PowerPoint wars within the conference room,

Where pie charts anticipate approaching doom.

Circle back, they say, ping me later,

The buzzwords rise like lift chatter.

The office clown breaks jokes as well grand,

Whereas the overachiever has due dates in hand.

The watercooler accumulates a assorted crew,

Sharing stories of triumphs, ancient and new.

But in the midst of the chaos, the chuckling persists,

A comedy woven in life's small twists.

For in this theater of day by day strife,

We discover the humor in office life.

- meri kahani Suno 

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